Fees and Billing

The Free Trial Period starts when a contest is created and finishes on the contest start date, as per the contest rules.

Fees are payable monthly (30 days) starting from the contest start date.

Fees are charged according to active users for a single contest within a 30 day period. Each contest is charged according to this schedule.

The first months fee is invoiced within 7 days of the contest start date for a 30 day period starting from the contest start date. Active users are assessed at the time of invoicing.

Fees for subsequent months are invoiced at the commencement of the 30 day period. Active users are calculated from activity in the previous billing period.

Active users are users in a single contest who are active at some time within the billing period being assessed.

The contest end date is the date used to complete the final billing period of a contest. The final billing period will be pro-rated using the billing start date and the contest end date for that period.

The contest end date is the date of the final game for the league that the contest is based on, as indicated in the contest rules.